Complaint procedures
How can I make a complaint?
We are always pleased to hear about any aspect of your insurance cover that you have particularly appreciated, or that you have had problems with. If something does go wrong, we have a simple procedure to ensure your concerns are dealt with as quickly and effectively as possible.
If you have any comments or complaints, you can call Bupa Global Customer Service on +44 1273 323 563 or email
You can also write to us at:
Bupa Global
Victory House
Trafalgar Place
External appeal
Can I make an external appeal against the result?
If we can't settle your complaint you may be able to refer your complaint to an independent organisation for review. Which organisation it will be depends on the nature of the complaint and the location of the Bupa Global office where the cause of the complaint occurred. We will advise you at the time. In most cases this will be either the Danish Insurance Complaints Board, the Irish Finance Services and Pensions Ombudsman or the UK Financial Ombudsman Service.
If you would like further information about the Danish Insurance Complaints Board you can:
- write to them at Østergade 18, 2. sal, 1100 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
- call them on +45 33158900
- find details on their website
If you would like further information about the Irish Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman you can:
- write to them at Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, Ireland
- call them on +353 1 567 7000
- find more details on their website
If you would like further information about the UK Financial Ombudsman Service you can:
- write to them at Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, UK
- call them on 0800 023 4567 or +44 (0) 30 0123 9123
- find details on their website
You can also use the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform at
A full copy of our complaints procedure can be requested by contacting Bupa Global. None of these procedures affect the complainant's legal rights).